Q. Should Buddhists try to share the Dhamma with others? A. Yes, they should. And I think most Buddhists understand the difference between sharing a…
Read moreQ. So how can I stop him? A. It is simple. Firstly, be clear in your mind what you want. Secondly, clearly and briefly tell him so. Thirdly, when he …
Read moreQ. But he says he wants to share his religion with me. A. Sharing your religion with others is a good thing. But I suggest that your friend doesn…
Read moreQ. I have a friend who is always trying to convert me to his religion. I am not really interested in his religion and I have told him so but he won&…
Read moreQ. What changes have taken place in your life since you first took the three refuges? A. Like countless millions of others over the last 2547 years,…
Read moreQ. What are the Three Refuges ? A. A refuge is a place where people go when they are distressed or when they need safety and security. There are man…
Read moreQ. If I have done this and find the Buddha's teaching acceptable, what would I do then if I wanted to become a Buddhist? A. …
Read moreBecoming a Buddhist Q. What you say so far is very interesting to me. How do I become a Buddhist. A. Once there was a man cal…
Read moreQ. Then is there such a thing as luck? A. The dictionary defines luck as 'believing that whatever happens, either good or bad, to a person in t…
Read moreQ. But some lucky charms do work, don’t they? A. I know a person who makes a living selling lucky charms. He claims that his charms can give good l…
Read moreQ. Then why do people sometimes practise such things and believe in them? A. Because of greed, fear and ignorance. As soon as people …
Read moreGood Luck and Fate Q. What did the Buddha teach about magic and fortune telling? A. The Buddha considered such practices as …
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