Four types of virtues that bring benefits in the present
The view of virtues is that there are four types of virtues that bring benefits in this world:
1. Working hard and not being lazy is called udhanasana.
2. Taking care of oneself with care is called arakhasana.
3. Being a good friend is called kalyanamitta.
4. Living according to one’s means is called samjivita.

These virtues are the source and a solid foundation for cultivating and sustaining world organizations, state organizations, and individual family organizations to develop and prosper. If any of these virtues is lacking, those organizations will inevitably suffer. In each state, there are many organizations such as economics, society, and politics. In the economic sector, such as industry and commerce, if those in power in the world lack the first virtue, which is laziness, not making efforts in business matters, always busy with each other, jealous of each other for their own interests, not trying to keep industry and commerce up to date, the economy cannot be immortal because there will still be lies, deceit, corruption, theft, embezzlement, bribery, and confusion in the course of life. It is necessary to study and create classes to reach the level of moral education, to reach the study of the path of truth, in the third, fourth, and fifth, which is right speech. Right action, right occupation, for many years until one cultivates noble and pure conduct, which is called noble conduct.

If there is a lack of mental capacity and a lack of spiritual capacity, there is waste, no control in place, always standing around, one relying on another, still in the office, relying only on paper, on that list, the results of industry and commerce will be damaged, the economy will decline.

If these two qualities are present but the third quality is lacking, namely, good friends, there is a relationship with dishonest sellers or buyers, fraud and deception for some reason, or there are corrupt associates who are at odds with buyers or sellers, causing damage to the industry and trade, and the economy will decline.
If the first, second, and third virtues are sufficient, but the fourth virtue is lacking, the economy will have more expenses than income, either through waste or by using too many employees due to inefficiency. This is something that only one person can do. We only do it with four or five people, and it is not good anymore. Or we buy too much of one thing to get a percentage from the seller, while there is not enough money to buy other things, which will lead to disruption of industry and commerce, and the economy will decline.

When the economy declines due to incompetence or dishonesty, the government tries to raise the price of goods to counter this, causing even greater harm to society and consumers. This view of Dharma has a broad meaning for all the affairs of the world, as the above small point has already shown.

Lesson on the Dharma of the Three Benefits - Pitaka Atthakatha No. 48, Sandhana Parga, pages 251-259